Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The debate on the legalization of marijuana has become one of the most controversial matters in the United States within the past decade. The Government is beginning to realize that restricting the use of marijuana simply will not work. Fourteen states have already decriminalized the drug, while sixteen states have legalized medical marijuana. As the new generation’s views are becoming more liberal, restrictions on recreational and medical marijuana could be coming to an end. Although some are very against legalization, it could help the country’s failing economy, as well as redirecting focus on more harmful crimes. The war on marijuana is expensive, but if the federal government were to legalize, the decision could prove to cost effective. If the government chooses to fully involve themselves in marijuana sales, millions of dollars would be added into the economy. Taxing marijuana would essentially be exactly the same …show more content…

It is important to understand that even though it doesn’t save lives, it makes certain patients’ lives bearable and puts them into a state of comfort. Patients have even said they benefit from the use of marijuana regarding their medical circumstances. Opponents also feel that marijuana is addicting and if it is legalized then we would have an increase in usage among non-prescribed users. This idea was proven wrong by a study which displayed that in eight out of ten states where medical marijuana was legalized saw a decrease in marijuana usage among users. The National Academy of Science confirmed that “marijuana’s short term medical benefits outweigh any smoking-related harm for some patients” (Hyde). A study by UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) also showed no connection between lung cancer and marijuana. The suggestion that someone should suffer with a painful illness when there’s a viable relief option existing, is morally