Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Taylor Carpenter April White 4th Block 24 April 2017 The Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana has already been deemed illegal in the U.S, but it may actually be doing more good than harm. Therefore, the medical and recreational use of marijuana should be legal in all 50 states. In the U.S, it is already a majorly used drug that has been proven to do good in medical advances, so why is it still illegal? Twenty six of the fifty states in the U.S have already made changes to legalize marijuana in those states. So far, there are zero recorded instances of someone dying from a weed overdose ever. The use of marijuana is already widely known and is currently being pushed and pushed to be legalized. So why not listen to the people and give them what …show more content…

Twenty six of fifty states in the U.S have already seen great economic improvements since legalizing marijuana. For example, California. According to research done by the latest report from New Frontier Data and Arcview Market Research, “Tax revenue isn’t going to start rolling in until 2018. When it does, California’s looking at an additional 1.5 billion flooding into the marijuana market. That number swells to just shy of $3 billion in 2019, and nearly $4 billion in 2020.” ( qtd Ben Gilbert ). With this kind of money coming into just one state, imagine how much money the government will be bringing in if marijuana was legalized in all fifty …show more content…

This is due to a “harmful” chemical found in weed. “Marijuana has an intoxicating chemical in called THC. It creates mind alternating effects that can make the user feel ‘high’. Extreme amounts of marijuana can cause brain damage.” ( drug free world ) However, even though marijuana does call brain damage over long periods of time with excessive use, no instances of someone dying of marijuana have been recorded ever, and marijuana has been dated back to being used in 2900 B.C. However, there are millions of deaths recorded each year of an alcohol involved instances, yet it’s perfectly legal and has been for years. In conclusion, marijuana seems to be doing more good than bad. Therefore, marijuana should be legalized. It’s already being used throughout most of the U.S, and “According to a National Institutes of Health Survey in 2012, 49% of those polled had tried weed at one time in their lives.” ( qtd Gabriel Bell ). Marijuana isn’t a bad drug, history and facts can prove that. Therefore, something needs to be done to legalize the use of marijuana. Change is happening, so let’s make it