Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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America is supposed to be the the land of the free. It’s the country where people are allowed to be whatever they want and do what they wish. However the country is still being held back from being truly free. How are we to be truly free if Americans can’t choose to what they wish in their free time. This is why I’m for the legalization of recreational marijuana, because as long as it is used responsibly and in privacy the user won’t be causing any damage to society as whole. One of the main reasons that the government has explained to the public that marijuana is still considered illegal is because marijuana causes people to become involved in more violent crimes later into their life. This belief started in the late 1930’s after the government …show more content…

This is actually a complete lie that was created by the federal bureau of narcotics, because of the failure of the prohibition the bureau’s federal funding was about to be cut. To stop this from happening the bureau needed a drug to criminalize and marijuana was an easy target. At the time marijuana was used in many different medicines and tinctures however the people that were using marijuana the most where Mexicans and African Americans. The bureau knew that white Americans were already racist and by spreading lies about what marijuana did the bureau easily recruited white americans against marijuana and it was quickly criminalized. The difference is now most Americans know that marijuana is basically harmless. In fact research has found that there is no correlation between violent crime and marijuana use (Morris et al. 2). Another reason that marijuana has has been kept illegal is that in areas that it has been legalized violence and crime has been increased. However this just isn’t the case, because research in areas where marijuana dispensaries have been legalized crime in the area near the dispensaries has decreased, because of extra security measures taken by the dispensaries( 2). These measures has kept the communities safe by giving the