Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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For many years there has been a long argument about legalizing recreational marijuana usage. I believe that this should be legalized. One reason it should be legalized because marijuana helps cure cancer cells. There should be strict regulations on recreational usage just as cigarettes and alcohol. Another reason is that if it were legalized that would open the doors for more businesses, and that means more federal and state tax. We all know government love our tax money. It can also make less drugs come into our borders. Also it will stop the amount of drug dealer crimes that are being committed. And also lower the level of crimes that are being committed over drugs, which means less lives of innocent people being lost. Marijuana is an organic …show more content…

State laws respect the usage and the sales of marijuana, while Federal law is against anything that has to do with marijuana no legal sale or usage is allowed. This has opened the doors for marijuana dispensaries across the nation. Dispensaries are like candy stores you pick a certain strain or maybe even a edible. 5 states have already legalized recreational usage and since then have generated millions of dollars in tax revenue. And has made many new business people millionaires. If you think about it that can mean many dispensaries and much more tax revenue. The money that can be made by taxing marijuana through dispensaries can go to our education system and even on our transpiration system. Millions of dollars that can be made to help our economy, our transportation system, paying our officials, help with resources for our law enforcement, and infrastructure. Even with legalizing marijuana and having tax money we still have a huge problem at our borders. The borders of Mexico and Canada are filling in our country. If United States can legalize marijuana usage that will stop the high amounts of drugs being brought into this country and will make the borders safer. And the billions of dollars that are being spent on marijuana that goes to the hands of drug cartels that go toward weapons to kill people, paying violent people for their work, kidnapping, and much more. The borders have had a increase in cartel violence, and