Persuasive Essay On Obama Care

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The health care system in the United States is in need of help. The current system in the United States is no longer working and the Obamacare plan is not working. Obamacare is not working for the best interest of Americans. While Obamacare took a step in the right direction, it is not a big enough step. The United States needs a form of universal health care that will benefit everyone and not have people in debt from health care bills. The Australian health care system has all the benefits that the United States needs. The Australian system pays for all the primary health needs such as primary care visits, medications, and hospital stays. People can opt out and decide to pay for private insurance. The health care bills get paid by taxes and higher taxes for the wealthy. The United States should adopt the Australian health care system. The Australian health care system pays for all major medical bill. Medicare is what they …show more content…

This is a good thing because if you can afford it you can buy extras. The private insurance allows you to pick what you want. There are 11.7 million people who choose to pick the private option for their insurance. (Private Health Care Australia 2015) 9 million make under 50,000 a year and they choose private insurance.(Private Health Care Australia 2015) It allows access to items not covered by Medicare. These items include dental, chiropractic treatment, home nursing, glasses, and speech therapy. (Private Health Care Australia 2015) Going private entitles insurers to a rebate. For every dollar you spend, an insurer will get 30 cents back given by the Federal Government. (Private Health Care Australia 2015) Picking private give you the freedom to get the extras you need. Private insurance has the best of what people need. Between private for the people who want it and Medicare, everyone is insured without going broke. Everyone in Australia has the opportunity to have quality