
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Text messaging has transformed the way people intermingle with one another. It consents people to talk to anyone at anytime, anywhere they want. Nevertheless, in some states texting has become illegal while driving. The law is intended to protect drivers from the text menace that is said to be worse than drunk driving. The law sounds good, but how will police officers enforce it? As long as drivers do not hold their phone above the window, the police will never know they are texting. Sure there will be persons that will get caught, but the typical, mediocre person is not going to get caught.
Police officers may have to come up with an alternative way to catch these individuals. Maybe cameras can be set up along the road, but the cost would be too high set up enough cameras to fully enforce the law. People value the relationships texting creates with their peers too much for them to let a law get in the way of it. Young people are the main texters with around 50% of them confessing to habitually texting while driving. Not unexpectedly, the biggest influence on how teens drive is their parents. …show more content…

Although many texts can be urgent the law says they cannot be answered leading to many unanswered emergencies. This can be a result of thinking before acting because in society today many persons are so tightly glued to their phones that as soon as a message comes in the have the need to reply instantly. However statistics have shown that “Driver distraction was reported to have been involved in 16 percent of all fatal crashes in 2008 according to data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System” (TSF). That percentage may seem so small but in that same year in 2008, 5,870 people lost their lives and 515,000 people were wounded in police-reported crashes. This larger number is still increasing today due to the enhancement of technology and having easy access to

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