Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting and Driving In today's society across the world friends and family are losing a loved one everyday do to texting while driving fatalities. These days, our generation strives to be connected with anyone around the world and their family by using mobile devices. The problem of this situation is that people tend to use their devices at the wrong time. For instance, while one is driving, it is normal to look down at the cell phone to send a quick response message that will put their lives in harm in a blink of an eye. Across the world, millions of advertising and local groups are spreading the word to encourage everyone on the road to out their phones down and keep their on the road instead of texting. Some countries are showing the impact that people's mindless driving, and texting can cause serious consequence to themselves or other people on the road. Texting and driving has become a worldwide situation in our generation today, however; teenage drivers are that the only ones to blame but every person that owns a cell phone in our society. …show more content…

“We look but we don’t process what we see”(Safety). While people are driving it is very easily for one to get distracted, most likely if that one person owns a cell phone. Their should be a way to stop the use of cell phone, while driving; because so many innocent people are losing their lives for a simple “text message”. People that text and drive believe that something like this will never happen to them, little do they know, that it only takes a blink of an eye for an accident to happen. It may not even be their own fault, it can be caused by another distracted driver coming towards