Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting and driving (electronic distraction) has proven to be a dangerous action that has cost so many people their lives and so many others pain that lasts their whole lives. Because of this dangerous habit that many people suffer from, I am standing up against it, not to fight those people, but to fight texting and driving, and encourage others to do the same. The use of statistics will help present to those who hear about the campaign that the impact texting and driving can cause on another’s life is so much more than most people recognize.
Texting and driving stands out to me on a personal level because I’ve seen, in person, the physical and emotional damage it can cause, and I want to help prevent it. Texting and driving can put a hole in the middle of a family and other personal relationships. Not that …show more content…

Aside from texting and driving becoming illegal, state troopers are keeping a closer eye out for those who text and drive. The Colorado Department of Transportation is posting signs along highway routes reading, “get your head out of your apps”, a slogan borrowed from Iowa (Denver Post). Also, this source tells that 61 people died in 2013 as a result of texting and driving. With the provided information, it is easy to recognize that texting and driving is a major issue in Colorado that needs to be taken care of. Another source reveals that about 50% of teens admit to texting and driving, and that teens are 4 times more likely to get in an accident (Colorado Law). This statistic should be an eye-opener to not only teens, but to parents and school faculties, each of whom can have a huge impact in the discouragement of texting and driving. Texting and driving is a threatening decision that too many people are making, causing many others so much