Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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An estimated 1.6 million crashes each year are caused by texting and driving. Being aware of your surroundings while in a car is extremely important when trying to get somewhere and it is even more dangerous to distract yourself from looking at the road for even just one second. Getting distracted on the road will increase the chances of an accident occurring by 4 times. Regardless of the many commercials and advertisements that preach about how terrible texting and driving is, most people disregard those advertisements and are still guilty of doing it. Why you ask? Because society is stupid. Although most people that text and drive believe that they are professionals at it and that they will never be the ones to cause a crash, they are wrong. …show more content…

However, most people should agree that they are even more distracted by trying to use this voice control to send their texts while trying to drive at the same time. Although this seems like an easy alternative to actually picking up their phone and texting, it definitely is not, and can be even more distracting. For instance, the voice control may not recognize certain words and will certainly screw up desired punctuation. Trying to send a simple message like “What are your plans for tonight” will be much more difficult than you think. The voice control will read it back to you and then type it out as something along the lines of “Why are the bands up the kite.” Creating an in-cohesive, idiotic sentence will certainly leave your recipient in a bind as they have no idea how to figure out what you are intending to say. Although voice control may be an option on many types of phones, it is definitely not a good choice and will not save anyone time and will just distract the driver more by becoming frustrated with the idiotic female voice that doesn’t know how to understand a simple sentence. So, let’s just accept the fact that voice control is no