Persuasive Essay: Randomized Drug Testing In Schools

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Kaitlyn Kimbrell
5th period
Randomized Drug Testing in Schools Did you know that your brain does not develop until you are twenty-five? Students of all ages do drugs everyday. Many of these students are unaware of the long-term and short-term effects drugs do to your body and you. Also, students need to know how to reduce drug use in their school. Even though not all schools do randomized drug testing to all of the students, studies have shown the amount of drug use has decreased since they do random drug testing, drug testing everyone has a positive effect such as helping students resist peer pressure and knowing what would happen to them if they started using drugs. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance abuse at Columbia University, “About 17% of American high school students, drink, smoke or use drugs during the school day” (Azuz). Many of these drug users include athletes, role models, and straight A students. Students aren’t gonna look up to you anymore if you start using or abusing drugs. Robert stated “One drug abuse program under way in the Seattle area has improved academic performance and reduce drug involvement among high school …show more content…

According to Matt “ periods of very severe anxiety when your heart increases, with trembling sweats, shortness in breath, and fear in losing control” (Duffin). These effects depend on the amount of usage of drugs the students do. It also depends on which drug you use and how often you do drugs. Another short term effect is drug-induced mood disorder, “You feel depressed, sad, restless, irritable, tired, loss or pleasure, or manic”according to Tony (Duffin). The more drugs the student uses, the more side effects they will encounter. Students result to heavier drug use to counteract the symptoms they will experience. After teens use drugs for an extended period of time, they will begin experiencing long term