Persuasive Essay: Why Give Homework?

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Why Give Homework?? Homework is one of the reasons students don’t get a full 8 hours.Students have more trouble falling asleep right after doing homework. Would you believe, scientists say students should get at least 8 hours of sleep to fully be able to focus at school. First students should have only a limited amount of homework each night, so they can get more sleep for the upcoming day. Secondly students are more likely to pay more attention in school if they don’t have as much homework. Lastly students can go outside or do everyday chores and help their parents if they don’t get as much homework. First students should have only a limited amount of homework each night. For example, students should get a limited amount so they can get …show more content…

You would think teachers would want students to pay more attention in school, and they would if they got enough sleep last night. I’ve seen so many people fall asleep in class and the teachers will ask why they fell asleep, they always say I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I think the more sleep the more students will pay attention and not fall asleep if there was no homework given out. Lastly students can go outside and do everyday chores if they don’t have as much homework. Students can get more outside activity and exercise if no homework is given out. Students can do more extra curricular events and not have to worry about their homework or grades. Lastly they can do more sports or clubs and not have to worry about not being eligible to play because their grades are bad. These are my reasons to why I think homework should not be given out. Having homework every night can be detrimental to your health by staying up late to finish that last minute assignment and not getting enough sleep. First a limited amount of homework everyday would help us get more sleep. 2. The more sleep we get, the more focused we would be in school. 3. I think it’s better to at least have time in the classroom to work on the homework , so if we have any questions we can ask the teacher.Therefore,teachers should give a limited amount of homework so students focus more at school than we should at home doing our