Persuasive Essay: Why Schools Should Start At Nine

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Why Schools Should Start at Nine Countless numbers of schools start around seven or eight o’clock in the morning, when actually they should start from nine to ten o’clock. It has been proven that kids from ages six to 18 need exactly nine hours of sleep (1). If schools keep starting early, kids will start damaging their health. They are not able to sleep early at night, because they have plenty of homework to do. Students, who attend school really early in the morning, become very tired in the middle of the day. This causes lack of focus and interest in the students during classes, and they end up with no energy for the rest of the day. It has been proven by doctors that teenagers’ brains are mentally asleep before 10:00 A.M. in the morning (1). For this reason, the earliest schools may start is 9:00 A.M.. Some students go to school at 7:00 …show more content…

Doctors have proved that classes in schools should not be any longer than 40 minutes, because this is the maximum amount of time students under 18 years old can handle one topic (3). After 40 minutes of the same subject, students lose interest in it and do not pay any more attention (3). There should not be more than six classes per day, and there should never be school on Saturdays (3). Student cannot take in new information from more than six different subjects a day (3). This can cause an overload of information intake, which can later cause headaches (4). When the students are overloaded with information, they start stressing over everything (4). More than 62% of the worlds’ students are overstressed and anxious about their studies (4). Teaching only six subjects a day also leaves the students interested and involved in discussions, because they still have some empty space in their brains to think through the discussions and ask questions (4). Students go home much earlier and they are not too terribly