Persuasive Essay On Middle School

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Once students go to Middle School, everyone’s always stuck in a compact, sweaty classroom, with a lunch in between, and then back into a classroom. Some people may think that we don’t need a break during the day, but how are students supposed to get all of their energy out? One way is to have a break.
If we go outside in between a class, it will help with a student’s concentration. In elementary, the school gave kids at least 15 to 20 minutes of break after lunch, and if it was the day before a holiday, there would be a second break. So, if the teachers before gave students a break from work to help clear their minds so students could learn more, then why can’t the middle school do that too? In fact, The American Academy of Pediatrics has said …show more content…

For example, besides gym, students are doing nothing during class periods. The only thing kids do besides work is either go up to the teacher to ask a question, sharpen their pencil, and get a tissue. There is nothing physically helping students during the day when it comes to keeping themselves healthy. All kids do is sit in a chair for most of those 7 hours of school. Connecting to that, when students leave the classroom, it’s only a 2 or 3-minute walk to each class. The walk could be even shorter if the student’s next class is across the hall or next to the classroom they were just in. This short walk doesn’t help students at all and it doesn’t help with students clearing their minds in any way, and the walk makes students more stressed and thinking about only what the next class is going to be like. Also, the AAP committee has found out that recess helps not only with concentration but, it also helps with the physical body such as people being more social, helps with emotional states, and it helps with cognitive development which helps with a kids information processing, perceptual skill(helps with being able to learn things and if this is altered, you have trouble with reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, math, and comprehension.) Other things that are part of the cognitive development are language learning and other aspects of brain