Persuasive Letter Essay

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In this letter, I will be expressing my thoughts and knowledge on why I do agree on putting regulation on performing a human genetic test and how the conducted data should be used. Here I will support my point of view on why it should be required to apply law and regulation to protect patients’ genetic information from workplace, and insurance companies. In my argument, I will also state why it’s important to have a proper procedure to inform the tested individuals with their screening result.

Genetic screening is a type of science and medical engineering that determines mutation and disorder in genes. It provided us with a lot of advantages, as it improved the health field abilities to overcome and prevent many chronic diseases from occurring by detecting the mutation within the tested gene. The benefits of genetic screening helped a various number of people to save their lives, as well as saving their economic status by preventing these diseases from developing to a fatal stage. For example, newborn testing can help to identify genetic diseases in early stages which make the treatment easier to conduct and eliminate the disorder efficiently1. …show more content…

Fortunately, to the protect the people genetic information a law was signed in 2008 indicating that individuals’ information can not be used against them to perform an act of discrimination or to revoke their right to have a health insurance coverage2. The reason why this law was applied, because life insurance companies were preventing certain people with a genetic disorder and a potential to have chronic disease from getting the appropriate health care. Also, some workplaces were targeting to eliminate candidates from their employee’s list, only because of their risk to be diagnosed with long-term diseases, that could limit their working