Persuasive Techniques Used In The Mount Franklin Water Adding

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The two adds are a Mount Franklin Water and a Solo. In the Mount Franklin Water add it shows Jenifer Hawking’s who is a pretty attractive woman for example they used her as a sex appeal and a celebrity as persuasive techniques. The ad shows her going from a theatre to a busy road to a rain forest then an ocean and its really good positioning. I think the add is trying to shows that if you drink this water you will be free and able to do whatever you want and the slogan of the ad is (add a little sparkle) and the persuasive techniques used in the add were sex appeal, celebrity, music, sound effects, logos, big fonts and colours. However, in the Solo add it shows and old fashion man that might be attractive to others finding a glowing lemon tree and puts all the lemons in a barrel on the carriage with the horse holding it but then the horse moves and knocks the barrel off and the man has to go and chase the barrel all around town and everywhere then it almost goes over the cliff but he jumps and catches it then he gets the barrel and tips it over his head. I think the add is trying to say if you drink it you will be strong and feel amazing and fit and be able to do whatever you need to do. The slogan of the add is …show more content…

While using sound effects and music the audience starts to pay more attention and like it especially if it’s a popular song but the two adds had a totally different base

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