
Pharmacy Field Compliance Report

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Communication is an important skill that every health professional should have, specifically pharmacists. As a pharmacist to be, it is important to practice constantly to improve in this area in order to provide the correct information to patients. The inability to transmit the proper information can put a patients health in danger. As part of Foundations of Pharmacy Practice I have been able to practice this important skill throughout this entire year. Through laboratory practices, such as live prescription and live over the counter counseling, recorded prescription and recorded over the counter counseling has prepared me well for the performance based assessment (PBA) and ultimately for future patient encounters. The performance assessment …show more content…

At the end of the counseling sections, I would receive feedback on ways to improve either my communication skills, as well as strategies to make the encounters flow better. Despite having prior exposure to practice the skill, experiencing a real patient encounter in the PBA provided me with the necessary insight on whether the information I was providing the patients and the explanations where efficient, if my tone was appropriate, if I showed empathy, among other important aspects. As part of the assessment, both patients provided me with excellent feedback pertaining my performance. In particular the over the counter interaction went excellent. The patient expressed how well the communication flowed; how important was for her to ask the patients permission to ask questions regarding her medical conditions in order to provide her with the best treatment available. In addition, she mention how nice it was for me to include also non-pharmacological recommendations that she could follow so she could relief her symptoms as well in addition to her pharmacological treatment. As a pharmacist to be, I understand that this is crucial component, since this feedback tells me that I am achieving one of the main purposes of a pharmacist, which is to be an educator, by …show more content…

In addition, I am granted the opportunity to continue improving in other areas, such as non-verbal communication. I understand that as a pharmacist having excellent communication skills is a priority and this can only be achieved through practice. Therefore, applying all the concepts learned through this assessment will

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