Photography Course Study Guide

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Course Description: This course offers an opportunity for students of all levels to learn Photography. Students will produce a body of work utilizing the formal elements of art and the fundamental principles of design. The lessons are structured to provide a progressive development of critical thinking and problem solving skills. Students will integrate their own individual ideas into their projects, written reflections, and discussion. Students will be designing and creating on a daily basis. Students will have hands on experiences working in techniques such as great and shallow depth of field, stop action, blur and more. This course follows the State and National Standards for the Visual Arts and meets the A-G requirement for the UC system. …show more content…

The majority of the course consists of production (creating artwork). However, students will explore the meaning of art, develop self-expression, communicate ideas, and appreciate art within the personal, cultural and commercial context. We will focus on artist perception, creative expression, aesthetic valuing and making connections between subjects. This class will provide opportunities to learn both independently and cooperatively, as well as written research. All of these things together will help each student “find their own voice”.

Class Expectations: In order to succeed in this class, students must meet the required criteria given for all assignments and be prepared to question and critique their own work, as well as, the work of other artists. You must also approach each art process with an open mind and positive attitude.

Art books- Students will use their sketchbooks as a visual journal to work through ideas, practice drawing, design skills, create thumbnails, and to record their journey throughout this class.

Critiques- Are a required component of this course. Students are expected to engage in verbal and written critiques of their own art works, as well as, the works of their peers and other