Pinal County Sheriff Case Study

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INTRODUCTION In order to ensure the Pinal County Sheriff is able to maintain a high operational tempo during emergency events through a safe and measured response it is imperative that intensive and realistic training take place. Pinal County encompasses 5,374 square miles with a population of 401,918 consisting of both urban and highly rural areas that present unique deployment problems. By following the FEMA Preparedness Cycle modality of plan, organize/equip, train, exercise, evaluate/improve the Pinal County Sheriff can create and test expectations through rigorous and objective training. PURPOSE Through the use of a full-scale emergency management exercise we can measure the capabilities of the Pinal County Sheriff to address and react …show more content…

The Pinal County Sheriff has utilized the Train the Trainer program offered during NTED training by certifying a number of Pinal County cadre in the methods established by FEMA through NTED. Taking advantage of this training opportunity is what now allows Pinal County to create, implement, and evaluate a full-scale emergency management exercise that will address several of the shortcomings noticed in several recent high profile …show more content…

OPERATIONAL OUTLINE This training evolution will focus on the interaction between the Pinal County Sheriff, the Arizona Department of Public Safety, and the United States Border Patrol along with the ability of each organization to synthesize their staff into a fluid and rapidly malleable response. In order to ensure fluidity of response, as well as its overall effectiveness, it is important to identify key staff from each organization and vigorously promote cross-jurisdiction