Plagiarism According To Penn State University

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Hiba Khan
Professor Dancey
Formal Essay
Every now and then, many students from different schools and universities come across a decision whether or not to plagiarize a piece of work or take advantage of someone else's information without giving them any credit. Most of these students are aware of what plagiarism is, but for those who don't, informing our society about this certain ethical issue will help those who come across the decision leading to academic dishonesty. According to PEW Research Center, within the past ten years, plagiarism has increased 55% amongst college students. Although there are some students who find plagiarism not consequential, plagiarism can cause many to have a negative influence towards …show more content…

An example of this would be situation where a student would type an essay and use outside resources without actually citing any of his or her information. If the student were to get caught, he or she would have to face major consequences. The reason why plagiarism is an ethical issue is because it can promote many negative consequences not just within you, but with others around you as well. According to Penn State University`s Research, “When you commit plagiarism, you hurt yourself and the community in the following ways: You deny yourself the opportunity to learn and practice skills that may be needed in your future careers, deny yourself to opportunity to receive honest feedback on how to improve your skills and performance. You invite future employers and faculty to question your integrity and performance in general and commit fraud on faculty who are evaluating your work. You deprive another author due credit for his or her work and show disrespect for your peers who have done their own work” (“Why Plagiarism is …show more content…

According to UIC's Office of Student Judicial Affairs, they state “A student who submits a paper which in whole or part has been written by someone else or which contains passages quoted or paraphrased from another’s work without acknowledgment (quotation marks, citation, etc.) has plagiarized. Maintain your integrity when completing assignments and be overzealous to give credit where it is due. If you ever are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, ask your instructor. Students who are found to have plagiarized work may be subject to various disciplinary actions, including a failing grade on a particular assignment, failure of the entire course, and possible expulsion from the university. In egregious cases, most instructors fail the student on the spot and file a complaint with Student Judicial Affairs.” (UIC Office of Student Judicial