Princess Leia Research Paper

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As a child, I watched countless Disney movies. I loved all of the princesses, and each one inspired me: Belle’s intelligence, Ariel’s curiosity, Jasmine’s bravery, and Rapunzel’s sense of adventure. And though I always wanted to be a princess, I never felt any of them truly represented me. My favorite princess was Ariel, mainly because she had the same color hair as me. Though the Disney princesses had admirable characteristics, I often felt that their motivations were skewed, with most of the princesses attempting to fall in love and marry a prince. But I have finally found a princess I relate to. I had just been watching the wrong movies.
Through decades, her resolve and dedication has never faltered. Powerful and confident, Princess Leia is the strongest princess. Brave, intelligent, adventurous, she is not confined to only one characteristic, as other Disney princesses …show more content…

And while I may not face a Sith Lord everyday, I do emulate her strength when standing up for my beliefs, whether it be in classroom debates or organizing charity events. In the new Star Wars movies, Leia has become even more influential to me. After the Star Wars franchise was bought by Disney, Princess Leia could have become a Disney princess. Instead she became General Leia. In this title change, I see myself. Growing up, I strived to be a princess, until one day, being a princess was no longer important, and instead I wanted to change the world, to become the President. I want to save the world from hunger, poverty, corruption, as Leia saved the galaxy from the Dark Side. Leia was able to shift from a princess to a military leader. This shift represents an increase of her power and influence in my eyes, as normally, princesses are depicted as damsels in distress. However, Leia never needed to be rescued, instead she was saving the galaxy. Everyday, Leia and I strive to save our loved ones and the