Pros And Cons Of Common Core Of Education

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Bye Bye Department of Education Our Education system is failing, with the failure of Common Core, the increasing funding education is receiving isn’t working, and having an assemblage of politicians in Washington decide what is best for schools rather than the community where the school is located, make the decisions. Education is essential today when it comes to the world we live in, getting jobs is harder than ever, now that we are competing with the whole world. For our education to improve for everyone, the Department of Education needs to be completely abolished. The DoE is ruining this country and it is affecting all americans from students, to parents, to even teachers, education needs to be fixed and the only way to do it is to get …show more content…

One of those big messes is Common Core. Common Core State Standards a education reform aimed to raise student achievements by having a standard curriculum across the United States. Though it might sound like a good idea at first glance, Common Core isn’t good for multiple reasons. Students, parents, teachers, and even taxpayers, education policy is bad for everyone. The DoE and Common Core completely undermine what the constitution says and acts as a federal takeover of education. Students suffer because of Common Core’s “One size fits all” education policy that teaches the same standards to every kid in the US. Parents and teachers will not have a say about the policy, because this is a federal policy, parents and teachers voice are practically nonexistent. Taxpayers will have to pay a big price for Common Core. According to Julie Borowski of, she estimates it costs 759 million dollars for the California Department of Education to implement the nationalized standards. Instead, parents, and teachers should come up with a curriculum that is best for their community. Every student is a unique individual and it is about time we have our education help reflect …show more content…

The numerous benefits include saving the taxpayers millions, and allow local governments not be limited to the standards of Common Core. The constitution, one of the most sacred written documents in the country, leaves education as a state and local issue. All of these reasons explain thoroughly why we need to completely get rid of the Department of Education. Compared to other countries, we are lagging behind in the education department. We found out that the intentions on establishing the DoE was initially to satisfy President Carter’s endorsers. It will give freedom’s back to the local school boards and families, instead of the politicians on capitol hill. That is why we need to get rid of the Department of Education. Unfortunately, in today’s world, something like this is unlikely. The only way we can change this is if we elect a president who could convince congress to get rid of it. We as a nation, who want better education for our kids, teachers, and families, must do what is right, and get rid of the Department of