
Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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Pros of Fracking Hydraulic Fracking is a drilling technique that involves injecting a slurry of chemicals and water at high pressure into the ground to break rocks to release natural gas. Since the mid to late 1900's the rate of the oil and natural gas production through fracking has increased.Due to the high production of oil in the past years, U.S could improve, make its market better and it's economy better. .Based on my research on fracking, I have constructed that the method of fracking is more effective than other techniques. In the year 2016 about 40% of the people voted for fracking, the other 40% were against fracking, the rest of the 20% had no opinion on fracking. Since the beginning of the fracking industry …show more content…

But, here are my three reasons that support the use of fracking in the United States is not harmful. My first reason is, Fracking increases the economic rate of United states, can make United States more dependent and is turning United States into a bigger oil producer than Saudi Arabia. My second reason is, fracking is not a public health risk and can could help our environment to have a better air quality. Finally my third and final reason is, fracking is not contributing to global …show more content…

The amount of fracking has increased by access to the oil reserves and natural gas in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois and many other states. During the late 1900's there have been many arguments on whether fracking does contaminate water or not. The EPA (environmental protection agency) have studied this problem at a site in Alabama. Over the time there weren't any evidence on contamination or any problem in the aquifers. Also another research conducted by the U.S department of energy, found that the fracking is a "safe and effective" technology from deep geological formations. "All chemicals used in the fracking process have common applications from swimming pool cleaners and laundry detergents to cosmetics, and even ice cream." Researchers argue that although there has been much concern over polluted drinking water because of the chemical additives used in fracking, the process is safe and public health is not at risk. In fact, the study explains, many of the chemical additives used in the fracking process are regulated by the state and have common household

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