Pros And Cons Of Industrialization

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ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES 6 industrialization competition being experienced not only among the states of the US, but also the world in general.
One of the American states that have constantly been at the forefront of environment protection is California, which, over the recent past, has been joined by 15 other states (Goulder et al., 2012). The states have their advantages and disadvantages of implementing their policies independently of the federal government. Some of these pros and cons are jointly experienced, whether the federal or state government is responsible for the policies. For example, in most cases, the benefit of policies from both forms of administration is that they target to uphold the good health of humans and the environment as well. They also aim at ensuring the general …show more content…

The failure to do so will result in the massive pollution of the US sea waters. Another advantage of both forms of administrative policies is that it enhances innovation. When the environment is protected by the policies, people must be innovative to come up with alternative methods of accomplishing their economic or welfare activities. A good example is when the law prohibits the emission of toxic gases by large factories and industries. The affected parties must find some solutions that will not infringe the regulations, which will involve the treating of waste to a non-toxic form. Recycling companies and departments by large corporations, such as the Coca-Cola Company, have come up with some ways to recycle waste (Goulder et al., 2012). Many jobs have been created because of research

ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES 7 and recycling projects that have been introduced to protect the environment. Research has also enabled the environment to be protected through better ways that still make the work done.
As much as individuals and companies feel the pinch of the extra effort and cost