Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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The legalization of marijuana
Marijuana is not a good thing. I oppose the legalization of marijuana. Because I think the cons of the legalization of marijuana outweigh the pros. Society will function better if marijuana is illegal.
First, marijuana is harmful to the health. Marijuana affects the mind and body. One of the harmful effects of weed is that if marijuana has been used for a long period of time, it can have a severe effect on a person's health and their general well-being. Marijuana can cause cancer and leads to lung damage, brain damage, and violence. Marijuana's effect on the brain is also often quoted with prolonged use causing hallucinations, psychotic behavior, paranoia, impairment of motor ability, increase in mood swings, …show more content…

It is a gateway drug that leads to the use of much more hard core drugs including heroin. One in every 10 marijuana users end up using heroin within 5 months and one in every 2 of these heroin users end up dead within 3 years. No one can make sure the users of marijuana can have good self-control.
Several opponents of the process of legalization of marijuana also state that many of the people involved in the buying and selling of weed are likely to be involved in other criminal activities. Also it is not a good idea for it to come across to the world in general that law enforcement agencies in the country are supportive of drug use. To a large extent smoking of marijuana is considered an immoral, socially debilitating activity that needs to be kept under control. This is one of the main reasons that is taken into consideration by lawmakers.
Marijuana will affect a lot of the young people in this society. Legalizing this drug will only make it more accessible to more people, and more people will be using drugs. If parents use marijuana, probably their children will imitate them and also use marijuana, but it can have a tremendous effect on a child. Parents don't get to choose which habits children will