Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide

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i) The behaviorist theory of language development is a way that children learn through operant conditioning (reinforcement) and imitation in which the behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment. One example of this could be when a baby is starting to make sounds and babble, it results in parents and those around to smile and give the baby attention. The baby will then learn that it will be rewarded for making sounds and speaking, so as the child ages, they will want to speak better and more often so they keep receiving attention.

ii) The nativist theory of language development describes language being a biologically-based theory in which humans are pre-programmed with the innate ability to develop language. With this …show more content…

Direct administration would be the physician physically administering the drug to the person under the physician’s care, and indirect administration would be a physician providing the substances in which the person can take them on their own free will. Two arguments in favor of physician-assisted suicide would be that a person has the right to end their own life if they so choose, so people should be allowed the safer tools to end their lives if they want. Another reason could be that allowing a physician to help a person end their own life would be a much ‘safer/cleaner’ and more humane way to die rather than having one try suicide methods on their own which could fail and cause oen more pain. Two arguments against physician-assisted suicide would be that allowing people an easy way to end their own lives could be abused and more people could end their lives than necessary. A person that knows they could kill themselves in a much easier manner rather than having to do it on their own would probably be more likely to do it, and another argument could be that allowing people to end their own lives is wrong and we should be providing them with mental help rather than simply killing them and doing nothing else to help