Pros And Cons Of Project Charter Templates

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After analyzing the pros and cons of several project charter templates, I found the project charter template from the Center for Disease Control is my preferred choice. I found this charter to be more detailed and effectively structured to provide the necessary elements for creating an effective project charter. The first thing I liked about the online template is the version history section. A project charter is a living document that can evolve with changing conditions if both parties agree to the changes (Kloppenborg, 2015). The versions history helps keep track of these changes as they arise. The table provides the version number, the person implementing the revised version, the date of the revised version, the person approving the revised …show more content…

Not only does the online charter have a section to address risk, this section also addresses assumptions and constraints. Assumptions are statements believed to be true and from which a conclusion was drawn to define this project charter. Whereas constraints identify any limitation that must be taken into consideration prior to the initiation of the project. Along with being able to identify risk one can also list the mitigation for the specified risk. By providing a possible mitigation for a risk you are letting the stakeholder see that you are prepared to address the risk. Put together, risk, assumptions and constraints can cause problems for a project. Including these three together will give key people an advance look at what could prevent the project from successfully completing (Kloppenborg, 2015).
The online charter template has a section to list high level milestones, whereas the temple from module three does not address milestones at all. Although both charter templates have a section for the budget, the online charter template breaks the budget down into funding source and also estimate. This breakdown allows for a clear understanding on where monies will come from and how they will be allocated during the