
Pros And Cons Of The Second Punic War

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The Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome ended with the Battle of Zama. The Carthaginian army, led by Hannibal, was defeated during this fateful battle (Morey, 1901b). As a result, Rome's Scipio Africanus imposed the following peace terms on Carthage:

Carthage was to release all of Spain and all islands between Africa and Italy to Rome. Masinissa would be recognized as king of Numidia and an ally to Rome. For the next fifty years, Carthage would pay 200 talents to Rome Carthage would be forbidden from engaging in wars without Rome's explicit permission (Morey, 1901b).

Additional outcomes of the Second Punic War were:

Carthage became a dependent state of the Roman republic. Syracuse was added to the Sicilian
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