Pros And Cons Of Welfare To Work

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Rayshaun Phillips
Prof. Claudia Ross
ENG 1020
4 April 2014
Welfare to Work: A Possibility?
In a great many cases Welfare to work clients are ill prepared for jobs or careers. The vision is preparing them for permanent fulltime employment; hence, leading to self sufficiency, which ultimately removing them from of the public assistance is a lofty vision and goal as well as a doable one if an effective program is in place. Today we have too many failed Welfare to work Programs, which results in clients not gaining employment. If we keep ignoring the problems; many resources will need to increase such as other programs that can help and handle the cascading issue. Critical opportunities to get clients employed may be lost. The two main objectives …show more content…

Hence, ethics in the public sector is very important. What is ethics? Ethics is defined as “branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such action” ( 2013). The proposed changes to this program are changes that may prove to be more ethical than what is currently in place. The importance of having ethics in the public sector is because ethical standards are the key to validity and it leads to heightened support for and from government agencies and political leaders. Ethics serves as a kind of moral justification to decision making when serving the public and their needs. The sad part of dealing with ethics in the public sectors is that it comes with a lot of bureaucracy. The public sector and intergovernmental relations should make sure everyone working and serviced by the public should have a fair …show more content…

More appropriately, a program that perhaps is multi-tiered based on the needs and skill assets of the targeted group(s) would prove more effective. Why make a recipient sit through a class on resume writing when that recipient has experience writing effective resumes over some time? Why preach work ethics to a recipient who understands the importance of punctuality, or giving your best? Why dictate to a newly unemployed professional how to dress professionally when that is what they have done for years? Conversely, how do you teach a recipient to write a resume when they cannot construct a complete sentence? In other words, how is it effective to teach experienced and inexperienced workers the same lessons, when their level of understanding is so vastly different? If the goal of the Welfare to Work program is to move persons receiving Welfare from the State’s Welfare rolls to self-sufficiency, it is only appropriate that they receive the best training they can get, based on a program design that is tailored to their achieving success. With changes incorporated, to include common sense kinds of approaches, the Welfare to Work/WorkFirst program it could be a viable initiative, as it stands now it is