Pubertal Anxiety Research Paper

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Introduction: Adolescence is an important stage in human life span. Physiologic changes associated with puberty manifest themselves in often complex and bizarre ways to which girls show different reactions to this stage. And so, it is no wonder that this developmental period is also a time of high anxiety that occasionally can lead to the all-too-common teenagers to panic and suicidal tendencies.These changes contribute to and impact their future development. This study was conducted to assess the level of pubertal anxiety among early adolescent girls with a view to develop an educational booklet. Aim: The purpose of the study was to find out the association between the mean pubertal anxiety score and the selected demographic variables …show more content…

• Majority of the early adolescent girls (54.2%) obtained information regarding puberty from their parents, whereas 0.4% obtained information from parents, media as well as health workers. Distribution of level of pubertal anxiety among early adolescent girls Among 240 early adolescent girls, 66.3% were moderately anxious and 26.7% had severe anxiety regarding puberty (Fig. 1). The mean , median ,standard deviation and range of pubertal anxiety scores are shown in table 1. Association between level of pubertal anxiety of early adolescent girls and selected demographic variables. The investigator used Fisher’s exact test for association to find out the association between the levels of pubertal anxiety of early adolescent girls and selected demographic variables.There was an association between the mean pubertal anxiety score and educational status of the mothers of early adolescent girls and previous exposure to information related to puberty ((p=0.000< 0.05). There is no significant association between pubertal anxiety score and remaining demographic variables. Tables and …show more content…

This finding is similar to the cross sectional study conducted by Yasmin et al. on factors associated with stress among 800 adolescents. The study findings showed that only 392 adolescents (49%) had information about body changes prior to puberty. Among female adolescents who had prior discussion about puberty, the mean estimated stress score decreased by -1.312 and it was revealed that the information regarding pubertal body changes prior to puberty (p knowledge, attitude, and behavior, the girls were educated for three months by health teachers regarding physiologic, psychologic, physical and other information about puberty. The result of the study revealed that the mean score of female adolescent’s healthy behaviour were significantly increased at the end of the educational course from 37% to