
Purpose Of Gaining A College Education

486 Words2 Pages

Karlon Burkett

English 101

Professor Todd M. Osborne

August 21, 2015

The Main Purpose of Gaining a College Education

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence, plus character, that is the goal of true education." This quote is entirely true. Education is not meant to be used as some form of brainwashing to turn us into clones, who just walk around knowing materials that are useless. No, education, just as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said is meant to discipline our minds into thinking deeply and skillfully. Education prepares us in several ways: it helps individuals to learn life skills; it sharpens the mind; and with the proper usage, education can also help us with our personality as human beings.

As children, we were all taught the basic academics to help us later on in life, such as Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Many topics students were given are still applicable. For example, an educated person is able to write in complete sentences using proper grammar and read with comprehension. People who were well instructed in school are also given the ability to pronounce and enunciate correctly in everyday conversation. Also, educated individuals are able to use …show more content…

As students, one piece of advice teachers would always give us is to never procrastinate. Never wait until the day before to finish the required assignments. Instead of wasting valuable time by watching tv and playing video games, begin work immediately once the task has been given. Another great piece of advice students are given is to pay attention, think, and listen. Don’t blurt the first saying that pops in your brain. Rather, meditate on your thoughts for a while. Ask yourself whether your question or answer is relevant to the discussion. Helpful tips such as these two can still be used no matter what age a person

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