
Radar Technology In Ww2 Essay

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No other war shaped technological advances more significantly than World War II. Fueled by the necessity for intelligence gathering and a need for self-preservation, the radar that was developed during World War II not only is regarded by many as one of the most crucial tools used to successfully fight the war but also ushered the world into a technological revolution of innovation that changed the world forever. In unprecedented fashion, World War II was distinct from previous wars as it focused significantly on enemy intelligence. Consequently, the need for improved resources to facilitate this demand prompted scientific innovation, which first appeared during the war in the form of a radar system development in early 1935.
Prior to the technology of radar, navigation for ships and aircraft relied heavily on a technique called dead reckoning. Simply stated, this technique essentially involves a known starting point, a destination point, and an accounting for any drift during travel. The basic concept was a …show more content…

It was constructed as the first early warning system of its kind, and by 1939, the RAF boasted twenty-one functional units within CH. Having recognized the inaccuracy of radar-like technology over longer distances, CH was designed to operate as a network of detection devices, chained together to relay information, while allocating specific geographical areas to each station. Chain Home was designed with a fairly simplistic approach for implementation. The stations within the CH would emit pulsed radiofrequency in the atmosphere, blanketing the designated area. Any aircraft that traveled inside of the designated area would reflect back the pulsed radiofrequency, and the information received by the stations would be able to accurately calculate the location of the

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