Raising The Minimum Wage Essay

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Many Americans have their opinions on how the country should be ran, and one of the most important topics ties along with money. Money allows people to buy what they would like and gives the lower class the chance to buy the necessities they need to survive. Money has been a topic, which has been the center of attention for years. The lower class has been affected the past few years with the recession and increasing unemployment rates, and any change to the minimum wage would impact them. Many people who struggle everyday putting food on the table. Raising the wage would help in many ways. As the gap between the rich and the middle class increases, it is important to increase the minimum wage.
Raising the minimum wage would be helpful for the economy. Seventy two percent of people want the minimum wage to increase …show more content…

The average for the other 37 states was 0.61 percent (Neuman 2).
If raised, mid and low classes would be affected in a positive way. The "New York Times" states that the wage was last raised, to $7.25 per hour, in 2009. Since then its real value has dropped back to where it was seventeen years ago. High class would not be affected unless they are business owners. Business owners would be against the minimum wage. They would be against in because it would affect their businesses. They would have to pay their workers more than usual and that takes up more of their earnings away from them. The United States is at a hurting point. Where the United States has the richest people, yet it has poverty in every corner. People should just face it; no one expects to have a life depending on a minimum wage. The rich are stable and the rest are hustling for every penny. If the wage is raised, it will help the ones who struggle to put meals on their tables and soon enough people will be able to afford a normal

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