Ray Bradbury's All Summer In A Day

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Have you ever felt like there’s not enough sun in your world? In March of 1954, Ray Bradbury wrote a short story called All Summer in a Day. On the planet Venus, they never get any sun. They only get sun for an hour every seven years. Venus is a very sad and droopy planet because of the rain. Margot moved to Venus from earth and she saw the sun every day. It rained constantly, when the sun came out everyone was happy, and kids got bullied. Margot is unhappy on Venus because she has seen the sun and now she can’t.

Venus was rainy all day every day. “It has been raining for seven years.” “Sometimes, at night, she heard the children stir in remembrance, and she knew they were dreaming and remembering gold or a yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the world with.” “All day yesterday, they read about the sun in class. About how lemon like it was, and how hot. They also had written small, short stories or essays, or poems about it : I think the sun is a flower that blooms for just one hour.” The children didn’t believe Margot when she said that she moved from earth. Also that she didn’t remember what the sun looked like or what it is. …show more content…

The children pressed to each other like so many roses, so many weeds, intermixed, peering out for a look at the hidden sun. It was the color of flaming bronze and was very large. “It’s better than the sun lamps, isn’t it?” one boy said. The kids haven’t seen the sun for seven years, and their so excited to see it once again. The sun was like a whole new world for them because they never see it. They have sun lamps to replace the sun and the real sun as you can imagine is better than the