Reflective Essay: The Labors Of An Aspiring Writer

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The labors of an aspiring writer
I promised myself that I will learn a new skill this year. I will learn how to write with purpose. My mission is to figure out how to express myself with conviction. I will no longer write limp sentences but instead I will write sentences that pack a punch. I am impressed by other people’s writing. I want my writing to impressive as well. Most of all I want to write sentences that make me proud. Nowadays every one is a writer. We write on social media every day, however we aren’t all great writers, this is the reserve of the few that put in effort and can coin a phrase.
I begin my journey knowing I face a myriad of challenges. This is exciting …show more content…

I want to learn how to turn a phrase. I need to learn how to edit as well. Some time back I thought writing was easy. All I had to do was sit at my PC or grab a pen and a piece of paper and a masterpiece would flow forth. That is far for reality. I need a first, second or even third edit before I present my work to an audience. I have heard it said, “The art of writing is in the rewrite”. I agree with this. I wonder whether I suffer alone in finding that what I read after I have written a draft and been away from the draft for some time and what is actually on page are completely different pieces. I am learning patience with the writing process and diligence with my edits. I am learning to edit my work and trust perspectives outside my own. I already have a shortlist of potential editors at …show more content…

I have a blog that speaks to my desire to become a better writer but also showcases my failings in this quest. I started it in 2011. I treat it like the cottages most Kenyan city dwellers build upcountry, I rarely visit it. I considered all the pieces I shared on my blog well written when I put them up. However, I am sure if I read them today I would easily pick out errors. Moreover, when I started my blog focus was on public relations but overtime I have found I would like to write on a broader scope of