Richard Buckminster Fuller's Major Accomplishments

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Have you ever seen a genius before? Richard Buckminster created furturistic architectural buildings that showed us his perspective of the world. Fuller, didn’t only design constructive buildings he was an author, engineer, mathematician, philosopher, and scientist. He had a solution to every problem that the earth had such as, polution. He wrote more than thirty books and traveled around the world several times to explain his studies to a variety of people. In my opinion, Richard Buckminster Fuller had a gift of intelligence in his own bizzare way. Moreover, Richard Buckminster Fuller was born on July 12, 1895 in Milton, Massachuetts. Fuller’s parents are Richard and Carolyn Fuller; his family are individualists that supported effecting changes and public services. As a small boy, Fuller was crossed-eyed …show more content…

This invention was his first patented invention out of twenty-five others. Fuller’s invention was a lightweight, cost effective, easy to assemble, and withstand harsh conditions. The company they worked for created two hundred and forty buildings nonetheless shut down because of The Great Depression. Fuller at this time had no job so he was deciding whether to commit suicide or not. Then, he realized that he couldn’t commit suicide because he needed to educate an ample amount of people on his experiences and knowledge. In 1927, Fuller had his second daughter named Allegra and since this happened Fuller and his family moved to New York. From there he invented a modular apartment building, which lead him into selling his navy insurance and taking over the “7-square” magazine. In 1930, he renamed it “Shelter” magazine basing it off of, at that time, modern architects. Using four-dimensional models, Fuller soon designed one very famous invention called, The Dymaxion Car. In the 1930’s, The Dymaxion Car was