
Robinson, Gandhi, And Cesar Chavez

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Many people around the world owe their freedom and their inspiration to these three activists who made millions of people’s lives better. Gandhi, Randall Robinson, and Cesar Chavez helped in total over 1.5 billion people. Although there are many other rights activists Cesar, Gandhi, and Randall Robinson were all peaceful.
Throughout history African Americans have faced racism in and out of their home countries. Randall Robinson was one of the many African American rights activists, he helped bring his people the rights they deserved. Randall said many times that he was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., saying that being peaceful was a surer way to equality.”Robinson’s participation in a quiet act of civil disobedience in 1984 set in motion …show more content…

Gandhi was always promoting peaceful protests, but he was assassinated by a young Hindu Nationalist after praying. “Gandhi was assassinated by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse, who was upset at Gandhi’s tolerance of Muslims.”. Gandhi’s work helped free India and parts of Southern Africa from British tyranny.”Born in Porbandar, India, Gandhi studied law and organized boycotts against British institutions in peaceful forms of civil disobedience.”. Gandhi was loved by many and hated by many as well. Gandhi was a lawyer who when traveling found that many countries under British rule were oppressed and unstable. His methods proved a success in Southern Africa, and when he arrived back in India he was jailed. “In 1932, Gandhi, at the time imprisoned in India, embarked on a six-day fast to protest the British decision to segregate the “untouchables,” those on the lowest rung of India’s caste system, by allotting them separate electorates.“. When Gandhi was released he found India to be even more oppressed and unstable. The British Empire had passed the Salt Law, making it illegal for Indians to harvest salt. Gandhi then led the Salt March, one of the largest civil disobedience acts of all …show more content…

He himself was a farmer and had experience with the treatment he and his people had received.”Born near Yuma, Arizona, on March 31, 1927, Cesar Chavez employed nonviolent means to bring attention to the plight of farmworkers, and formed both the National Farm Workers Association, which later became United Farm Workers.”. Cesar had handle making enough money to survive and keep to his cause. From his work he gained valuable allies that supported him. “He also brought the national awareness to the dangers of pesticides to workers' health. His dedication to his work earned him numerous friends and supporters, including Robert Kennedy and Jesse Jackson. “. While he was alive he changed the lives of millions working on farms in Arizona and Mexico. When he died on April 23, 1993 millions felt as if their savior was wrongfully stolen from the earth. Cesar had many followers and was never promoting violence. “Chavez led marches, called for boycotts and went on several hunger strikes. “ He used peaceful protests to convey his

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