Romeo And Juliet Choices Essay

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Choices are always complex when emotions are involved, especially when love is involved. For example in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Juliet and Romeo are willing to die for each other, demonstrating how love can greatly affect a person. Additionally, the New York Times article, In America; Romeo and Juliet In Bosnia by Bob Herbert shows how love harms people. Lastly, ASAPScience The Science of Love indicates that love happens when your brain produces chemicals. Based on the evidence provided, it is clear that the text shows that love cannot be controlled.

To begin, Romeo and Juliet is a classical play that depicts how love can be complex and influence a person's decision. It takes place in Verona, Italy. It's about two families, the Capulets and the Montagues, who hate each other. Every member of each family hates each other, except Romeo the son of Montague, and Juliet the daughter of Capulet. Juliet realizes Romeo is a Montague, and exclaims, “My only love sprung from my only hate!”(I.v.147). This quote shows that Romeo and Juliet's love will be a …show more content…

It is a powerful emotion that can force us to take risks we normally wouldn't take. Cocaine, like love, can cause a person to make unreasonable decisions and can lead to dangerous or even deadly situations. Love is not simply an emotion, it is a drive from the motor of the mind. "And this motor brings about intense energy focused attention and elation. The pleasure centers are part of the brain's reward system"(ASAPScience The Science of Love). This line from the video explains that if you like something your brain sends chemicals that say you should do it often. When you do it, the brain rewards itself. As an example, you might enjoy doing dangerous things, but your brain thinks it's okay if you do it and like it. This adds to the idea that love can't be