Romeo And Juliet Teenage Brain Essay

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The brain is the most outstanding organ, it works 24 hours a day 365 days a year from birth until you fall in love. Scientists have discovered that the teenage brain is not grown up yet. According to the article, “Are Teenage Brains Really Different From Adult Brains?” states, “An area of the teenagers brain that develops early is the nucleus accumbens, or the area of the brain that seeks pleasure and reward. But the frontal lobe which is the decision making part isn’t fully developed” (Edmonds). Making decisions can be a hard task and it’s important to make the right one because it could affect you later on. Romeo and Juliet do believe that they are grown up enough that they can make their own decisions, but they still should have their …show more content…

According to the article, “How To Talk: 3 Ways to Get Your Teen to Listen” states, “Look, defiance and annoying behavior is par for the course when you’re parenting teens. I’m not talking about abusive behavior; I mean those little everyday acts of defiance. This is when your child tunes you out, rolls their eyes, and refuses to speak clearly in whole sentences” (Devine). Teenagers are around their parents all the time and they watch how much control they have and teenagers feel that they should have control too. An example in Romeo and Juliet is, when Romeo does not listen to Friar Lawrence about marrying Juliet. Friar Lawrence was saying that by combining two separate families, who are not suppose to have contact with each other get married could get them in trouble. Another example is when Juliet is not listening to her father when he tells her that he is moving the wedding up for her and Paris. Juliet does not listen because she is so frustrated and is not interested in marry Paris. The last example is when the Nurse delivers the news about Romeo and Juliet’s wedding to Juliet. Juliet is so anxious and wants to know so badly that she is not listening to the Nurse complain about her aching bones, she just wants to know. “Is thy news good or bad? Answer to that. Say either, and I’ll stay the circumstance. Let me be satisfied. Is’t good or bad?” (ii.iv.35-37). Juliet has been anxiously waiting all day and desperately wanted to hear if the news was good or