Safeguarding Vulnerable Children

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An essay on the protection of vulnerable children in Policing. There have been many failures to detect child abuse at an early stage in the past, which have affected the reputation of police in child protection practise. The discussion will include opportunities for early intervention, identifying significant harm, the paramountcy principle from the police perspective, multi-agencies, local authority and historical cases and working models linking to the scenario. Child abuse was first discovered in 1960s in the USA but was later imported into UK by the NSPCC and other social work and health professionals. Kate, W. and Adrian L. James (2007). The understanding of child abuse was rising at an unsatisfactory rate resulting in the deaths of Baby, …show more content…

The investigations should be child centred “Ultimately, effective safeguarding of children can only be achieved by putting children at the centre of the system, and by every individual and agency playing their full part, working together to meet the needs of our most vulnerable children” (HMG 2015: 13) and it is important as far as practicable to ‘listen’ to the child (London SCB …show more content…

The problem with multi-agency work partnership is that because of the huge volume of incidents and the demand for response puts a lot of pressure and responsibility on those organisations, therefore some cases go unnoticed, information sharing isn’t effective and there is a lack of professional curiosity. However as the Government is leading work to make improvements across every area of the child protection system. From targeted recruitment and retention of high calibre social workers into children’s social care, to improved multi-agency approaches to early prevention and detection of abuse. As a result of this reform programme and the tireless efforts of practitioners we can see some truly fantastic child protection work happening across the country and will continue to introduce improvements that we expect will bring real benefits to children, but we must not be complacent and will always consider what more can be done. There have been too many cases over recent years that have highlighted serious failings to protect children. These failings result from a variety of different factors, from not recognising abuse for what it is to incorrect