Satire Essay On Abortion

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unclear to the human minds, but studies have shown that some possible causes are inherent germ cells, hormone and vitamin deficiencies, trauma or anxiety, diabetes or diseases, or even malformations of the uterus. The second type of abortion is called an induced abortion (Abortion). An induced abortion consists of a procedure in which a baby or fetus as it is most referenced to is intentionally killed, literally scraping the baby away from its developing life in a mother’s womb. This is murder. Having the intention of killing a human being is not morally right and should have never been thought to be a legal action or practice in the first place. Senator Marco Rubio wisely took a stand and stated, “...we pass laws in this country that say that all human life at every stage of its …show more content…

By giving Americans the freedom of choice, we are making our society an unsafe and a morally weak place to live in. Many republicans have mentioned that in future generations, the people are going to look back at our generation and think to themselves how absurd it was that our country thought for one second that going through with an abortion is okay. They will look back and talk about our generations as the baby murderers that didn’t even think twice before taking a scissors to that little baby’s beating heart and healthy, working organs. There are many programs that support abortion in which collect taxes and other contributions, but in reality should be shut down for their neglect of human value and their violent works of taking away lives. These programs that encourage teens and adults, as well, to act irresponsibly include places such Planned Parenthood where they give people free advice, give out plan B, practice a variety of birth control, and perform abortions all for the sole purpose of avoiding the beauty of a pregnancy or burden as most supporters of abortion would refer it to (Abortion: To What Extent Should Women Be Allowed Access To Abortion in the

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