Scavenger Hunt Research Paper

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A long time ago, after the earth was just made and God had created many of the animals he decided to add another kind of animal. He decided to make a winged animal with feathers and called it a bird. All the birds were the same except for their coloring and the names he had given them. God wanted the birds to be more diverse, and he thought of a way that he could change the birds to be different. Eventually, he thought that they could all participate in a scavenger hunt. He called all the birds to a meeting in the forest and explained the contest to them. They would have to pair up with another bird that matched their colors. Each pair had to bring him four items from four different locations. Which ever couple returned first with the four items would be rewarded by choosing where they could live. God announced that the …show more content…

They thought of a strategy on how to win. After a long debate on whether they should split up or not they decided it would be best to split up. The next day at sunrise was the big day of the scavanger hunt. All the birds woke up and were ready to compete. God announced that the four objects they will have to retrieve were a maple leaf from a rare maple tree deep in the forest, a grain of wheat from a farm, a small shell from a beach, and a feather from another animal. Al and Bernice decided that Al would find the maple leaf and the shell, and Bernice would find the wheat and the feather. Once the contest started the birds were off. Al flew above the forest to find the maple tree. He couldn’t find the tree for a couple of hours so he looked for the shell. He found the shell easily and went back to the forest to look for the maple leaf. Once again he couldn’t find the maple tree. He spent the rest of the day looking for the maple tree hoping that he would eventually find it. At last, Al found the maple tree and picked off a leaf and flew urgently back to the starting