Service Personal Statement

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Service is being able to spread knowledge and guidance to others. The individuals who are in need of assistance can vary from elders, youth, the homeless, etc. There are multiple ways to provide services, such as feeding the homeless, clothes drive, helping with a boys and girls club, etc. People in need have comfort knowing there is someone who will stretch there hand and knowledge. Life is unpredictable; I have realized that I could be the next homeless person on the street asking for money. I am fortunate enough to have family members supporting my dreams and goals, but believing and nurturing someone else is life-changing for the individual and myself. I have learned that service is not a one-way street. Reaching out can benefit the person in need and the individual providing the service. Volunteering for the CCPS College of Southern Maryland Panel I used my voice and college experience to provide knowledge for the high schoolers. The mission of being a panelist was to encourage the students to apply to college, journey outside of your comfort zone, and explore your passion. All of the empowering statements that I have made is a continuous echo in my head for myself. Expecting a bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in leadership. My long-term goal for my major is to learn how to …show more content…

We discuss the application process, campus life, self-esteem, and staying active on campus. I am the co-creator of GEMS, so my duties are to create an hour-long presentation about the pros and cons of my college experience, internships and the importance of staying active on campus. Being the co-creator for GEMS was my first step to becoming a leader. Before GEMS I was quiet and timid, and I did not believe that I was qualified to be called a leader. GEMS has been an organization for four