Setting Social And Sociomathematical Norms In The Classroom

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Problem solving can be using as a way to teach mathematics but setting social and sociomathematical norms first is important for the classroom. Social norms are important to set because the students will know what the expectations are and should follow when communicating and acting in the classroom. The four norms that students should be able to do while problem solving according to Yackel and Cobb are “1) explain and justify their solutions, 2) attempt to make sense of explanations given by others, 3) agree and disagree, and 4) ask clarifying questions in situations in which they misunderstand or are confused” (p. 151). A teacher must think about how to make students aware of these responsibilities during discussions. Sociomathematical norms are also important to set because they are specifically for mathematical activities. These norms include the criteria for what makes an acceptable mathematical argument, explanation, or representation. These norms are important to set for problem solving because students need to know what makes or doesn’t make an acceptable mathematical argument, explanation, or representation. …show more content…

Teachers can do this by offering compensatory strategies and instructional modifications for students with learning difficulties, and extension strategies for students who are considered gifted and talented. Teachers can ask students to rephrase a question or explanation in their own words to help them hear themselves explain what they just heard or read. This will help students retain their idea. All learners have the opportunity to problem solve. Finding the learning approach that works best for each student will help the student to problem solve. Giving challenging problems for those students who are gifted allows them to still problem solve and to learn more mathematical

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