Should Driving Age Be Increased To 18 Essay

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Sixteen year olds cause an overwhelming majority of 33% of all accidents in the US, Higher than any other age in the country (“General Statistics and Facts about Teen Crashes” ). Teens are more likely to text while driving, they are also more prone to (mostly male drivers) succumb to the “drift king” attitude, and think they are a pro when driving. Sixteen year olds also have a plain lack of experience. The legal driving age should be increased to 18. To start off, Teens are simply less mature and responsible than adults. “Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, the Department of Transportation and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety are revealing.” One of the points being made is, “Maturity matters. Drivers 16-17 years old are almost twice as likely to be in an accident as 18-19 year old drivers.” (“Should We Raise the Legal Driving Age?”) In reference to these certified statistics it is an almost indefinite yes to the question of, Does teen maturity matter when driving. Teen Maturity and responsibility is to low to allow them to drive at such a young age. …show more content…

“We don’t really show kids how to drive — especially how to handle emergency, such as a slide on black ice. Instead, we chant cant at them that’s obvious lies, such as “speed kills”. “Kids are smart enough to see through this — but immature enough to then regard everything they’re taught by adults as lies.” (“Should The Driving Age Be Raised To 18?”) The way we train kids, we are setting them out for failure. Instead, if we started off teens at the age of 14 and went till 18, and hired certified instructors, all new drivers would come out of 18 with 4 years of professional guidance under their belt. Teens are not taught well enough to be trusted to drive at such a young