Should Driving Age Be Increased To 21 Research Paper

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Should the Driving Age Be increased to 21 In most countries, driving licenses are obtained at the age of eighteen, and at the age of sixteen in the United States. In the article, “The Dynamics of Powerful Parenting: A Human Nature Approach,” Messer (2005) writes that it is an adult privilege driving a car and that youngsters should not be allowed to drive. He argues that driving is a serious responsibility and that many teenagers are not responsible enough to drive. Many people want authorities to increase the driving age to 21. However, there are those who advocate that the driving age should not be increased as the young drivers will learn how to become independent and responsible individuals. Others advocate that the driving age should be increased to 21 as teenagers are not responsible enough and that they are the main cause of the increase in road accidents. …show more content…

Driving is a serious responsibility and many teenagers are yet to learn how to act responsibly. Many young drivers are vulnerable and seem to want to impress their peers. Young drivers tend to drive at high speeds, race their cars against each other, and are, therefore, not acting responsibly on the road. According to the article, “A license to save young lives,” Stevenson (2011) argues that a high number of newly licensed drivers in the crash statistics are due to factors such as inexperience, an inability to identify hazards, night-time driving, carrying same-age passengers and risky driving behaviors. It is evident from this that young drivers are irresponsible when it comes to following the rules and regulations of the road. They tend to want to impress others with their driving skills. For this reason, the driving age should be increased to