Should Georgia Students Have Access To Computer Science Courses?

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Technology has grown and will continue to grow over the years in our society. Our generation today has basically become dependent on technology. Kids are becoming fluent being able to express themselves with technology. (Ted Talk) Technology is found everywhere- in our homes, workforces, and school systems. It is important for everyone to know how to use technology because it is becoming such a necessity in our lives.
Computer science is a huge asset in the world today and becoming one in our education system. Right now, it is just an elective in our schools, but there is debate about whether to add it as another subject in Georgia schools’ curriculum. According to, all Georgia students need access to computer science courses because it provides foundational learning benefiting …show more content…

It would be beneficial to them to learn the basics early such as easy coding, then in middle and high school to learn more advanced areas of computer science. At my work, the elementary school students go on these coding game websites and they love it. They think it is so cool that they know how to code and make things happen in the games. As students learn to code, it opens up more opportunities to learn new things. So why not introduce computer science to them early and keep having it mandatory throughout their educational career, what could it hurt? Well, many people fear about requiring everyone to learn computer science because they feel as if our reading, writing, and math scores will suffer if we add one more thing to the curriculum. I believe if we add this in as a requirement but not focus on it as much as reading, writing, or math subjects, there will not be an issue with the test scores. I believe it is a necessity to add to our curriculum because of how many opportunities it will open for students in different areas of their