Should Middle School Students Get Drug Tested Essay

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Today you’re in class, and one by one each student is being called out of class. Then you get called and figured out you guys are getting drug tested. A boy is being tested and his results were positive meaning, he has or had drugs in his system recently. Do you believe that middle school students should be drug tested? Most students in middle school are being tested positive on (weed) drugs etc. Middle school students should be drug tested because in recent years in middle schools, students have been tested positive Being drug tested will help you be clean. Also Students who were randomly tested for drugs were less likely to use them in later years. By having spillover effects on other students in the school as they observe and are influenced …show more content…

CNN news also said "Now that the students are being drug tested in the future they will know not to do drugs." For example we as students know that if we are going to be drug tested every month we would be smart enough not use them at all ,so our tests results won't be positive. After all kids use drugs more and more everyday shown in NCADD "The researchers found drug use by students in grades 6-8 is relatively rare, Newsworks reports. The study found that only about 1 percent of 8th graders say they have ever used illicit drugs, and only about 14 percent indicate that they have ever drunk alcohol, other than in circumstances where it's allowed, such as religious ceremonies."So now these days most teenagers have been tested positive in drug and alcohol use.Most students also say that they are allowed because of a religious circumstance.In 2007 Ny times stated "students who were drug tested in their middle school years decided not to do drugs because they knew that it would come out when they applied for a job".So as students we should really think twice before taking drugs drinking any alcohol beverages so it won't come out in a record when we apply for a job or even college .Who want a drug user or a drinker working with them or going to school with