Should Minimum Driving Age Be Raised To 21 Essay

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It was the call that no parent wants to get in the middle of the night. The hospital asking a parent to come identify their teenagers’ body as a result of a car crash due to reckless driving. As a teenager myself, I feel that the minimum driving age should be raised to 21 because more teenagers and young adults are involved in car accidents than any other group. Many of the accidents are a result of teenagers not paying attention to the road because they were either texting or talking on the phone. Statistics have shown that drivers ages fifteen to twenty were tangled in fatal crashes. The age should be raised so it could be safe for everyone, in addition to preventing less accidents.

Researchers have pinpointed that texting while driving leads to car accidents because teenagers are easily distracted. Because of the addiction to their phones, teenagers cannot wait until they get to their destination to text or call the person they need to talk to. Instead, they choose to text and drive. Teenagers ages 15-20 tend to text while driving, which can distract them and prevent them properly scanning the road. …show more content…

As you know, car accidents can cause death, injuries, and life-changing situation, for instance like a broken leg. Fatal car crashes are when somebody in the car accident dies. Anyways, the statistics are pretty high for young adults ages 15-20. About 2,228 of them died in the year of 2012. According to a insurance for highway safety, texting while driving kills 11 teens a day. 3,328 people were killed in 2012 due to distraction related crashes. I think some parents should not give the keys to a young driver if they’re constantly texting a lot. Also, if their kids I may say, are addicted to their phones and think they’re not mature enough. Don’t give the keys to