Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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“A new study shows researchers at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, estimate more than 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting and driving”. (Texting and Driving: Leading Cause of Death among Teens, Study Finds.) Teenagers feel the need to keep in-tuned with the world at every second of their lives including while on the road. Texting and driving should be made illegal in all 50 states because it causes more accidents while on the road, it is becoming more dangerous than drunk driving and it is severely dangerous to not only the driver but other passengers.
In general, teenagers cause the most accidents while on the road. Now teenagers have apps such as Snapchat and Instagram they tend to keep their minds tapped into …show more content…

According to PsychCentral, “[…] a fair and reasonable law or policy should not discriminate against the specific type of distraction--- whether it’s texting, talking on the phone, eating, reading the newspaper, or putting on makeup. Instead, it should focus on the category of “distracted driving” itself---the behavior, not the specific thing causing the behavior.” (Grohol) Texting while driving laws/bans could be a waste of time because distracted driving is a factor towards most accidents alongside texting while driving. Tough the counterargument “makes sense” in some way, texting and driving should be the main focus on accidents when it puts other lives at risk.
Texting while driving not only puts the driver at harm but other passengers and/or pedestrians. When one is not paying attention with their hands on the wheels, in a matter of seconds an accident can occur. Drivers can glance away safely while driving for only 2 seconds (Shumaker). Since you can only glance away for only two hours at a time, many things could still happen in that amount of time. Texting while driving overall is the contributing factor in the nation’s death