Should Shakespeare Not Be Taught In Schools Essay

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Is Shakespeare really relevant or irrelevant to high schoolers in the 21st century? William Shakespeare was born in Standford-upon-Avon, England 1564 and died in 1616. He was an English Poet, playwright and actor. And nobody knew who what Shakespeare did between 1585 and 1592. Shakespeare should not be taught in the ninth grade curriculum because it’s forcing kids to study him which can lead to them hating him, today’s kids don’t understand him (his language), and he is irrelevant to today’s students.

To begin with, forcing kids to study Shakespeare can lead to students disliking him. High school students have a lot of homework and classwork, adding Shakespeare will be more frustrating and lead to confusion. According to the text “Deblasis, Maggie” it …show more content…

Great english teachers can try to educate students but they can't comprehend Shakespeare because it’s very complex. “A well meaning english teacher can take a student through the meaning of every word in a sentence and it soon becomes a drown out and confusing process”(Powell). According to Robshaw, Brandon, it states “Shakespeare is outdated”. There is no longer resources in our generation the way they had in the past for Shakespeare. Therefore kids in the modern age wouldnt understand Shakespeare and his language.

Lastley Shakespeare is irrelevant to today’s students. According to DeBlais, Maggie it states “schools today just don’t have the time or resources needed.” Shakespeare is out-of-date that schools will not have the capability to teach. “Maybe Shakespeare has nothing to say to us, nobody else from the early 1600’s still sees himself regularly adopted” (Petri, Alexandra). Shakespeare is aged that not much students know or understand him, inly people from the older generation can grasp onto Shakespeare because he was relevant at the time. Giving these reason Shakespeare is irrelevant to High school students in the modern